Call (+974)5044 7722 or register now to book an appointment with our sleep consultants.
With our brand new VIP mobile showrooms are a call away from you; our sleep consultants shall reach you as per the appointment! We call it VIP- mobile showroom because all of our customers are Very important persons (VIP) for us.
We are currently spreading our passion for sleep and health benefits to our friends around Qatar! during this pandemic situation you don’t have to wander around in search of your dream mattress it’s a one-call/ click away from you.
Matnaflex Mattress pride ourselves on our ability to make a positive change in people’s lives through positional therapy with our customer service, on-call availability, and payment methods.
We want to give you the opportunity to see, feel and touch the mattress and bed products. Over 35 years of experience in the mattress industry has taught us the on-going need for maintaining your health and testing the product for yourself